What are the bible classes ?
The Church exists to evangelize. It is an essential task for its existence and for the life of human beings.
Where there is no evangelization, there is no Church. There can be structures, frameworks but never a community animated by the Holy Spirit; everything except the Church of the risen Christ.
What does evangelization consist of?
This is a complex and profound concept that cannot be explained in a few simple words. Essentially, it consists in transmitting the faith in the risen Christ through teachings and testimonies. This shows us that there can be many methods of evangelization.
One of these methods is the one carried out by the Missionaries Servants of the Word; the content they share is structured into nine Bible courses.
Perhaps, what is characteristic of these courses is that they are biblical. The divine truths of revelation are what constitute these Bible courses.
We are aware of the danger that exists when transmitting the Word of God: presenting Revelation in parts or based on personal interpretation. This is the error sects make today which continues to pollute populations all over the world.
For divine revelation to be authentic, we must not only transmit what is written in the Bible, but also share what the Tradition of the Church, founded by Christ, conserves.
That is why Tradition is abundantly present in these courses. The Bible cannot be presented without drawing from Tradition, just like Tradition cannot be presented without the Bible. Divine revelation is transmitted through the Bible and Tradition.
However, this is insufficient to evangelize. In addition to Catholic doctrine, it is also necessary to count on people animated by the spirit of the risen Lord. What is taught must pass through the experience of someone who lives, not with a doctrine, but with a person: Christ. A person who genuinely evangelizes can repeat the words of St. Paul, “yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me” (Gal. 2:20).
To have a better grasp of these nine courses, we have decided to divide the courses into two volumes: Discovering the Riches of Christ I and II.
Volume 1, Discovering the Riches of Christ I, contains the first five courses: “History of Salvation”, “Life in the Spirit”, “Prayer and Evangelization”, “Evangelizing with the Sacraments”, and “Didactic Guide.”
Volume 2, Discovering the Riches of Christ II, contains the remaining four courses: “The Church, Universal Sacrament of Salvation”, “For a Better Understanding of the Bible”, “Liturgy as Evangelization”, and “A Christian in Society”.
It is very comforting to see how these courses remain current, provoking conversions and awakening evangelizers even after twenty-five years.
May the Virgin of Magnificat, who was the first one to share the Word of God incarnate to distant places proclaiming God’s glory, intercede for all evangelizers and those being evangelized.